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26 Feb 2016

Draft post lama: Lifeless.

5 Jan 2012: 
I wonder what unemployed people do every day.
I wonder how they can stand this shit.
I wonder how lifeless they think they are.
Aku baru habis sekolah. Lepasan SPM.
Kenapa aku rasa diri aku macam tak guna duduk rumah?
Kawan kawan aku dah kerja.
Tinggal lah aku disini goyang kaki goyang perut duduk rumah.
You know, keseronokan habis sekolah tu temporary je.
Lama lama rasa bosan.
 26 Feb 2016:
It's been four years since I drafted this.
Dear my 2012-self, if only you know how's the 2016-self you.
We used to be unemployed, too.
We used to be lifeless, too.
Ada masa orang jatuh, ada masa orang bangun.
Mungkin belum tiba masa untuk dorang bangun.
Technically bila kerja, kita tak lifeless.
Tapi tah macam mana, kerja pun boleh rasa lifeless.
The 2016 me. 


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