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About me

16 Dec 2011


Pernah rasa diri kau tak guna tak? Ini lah benda yang aku rasa sekarang.

Pernah rasa diri macam dipergunakan tak? Ini lah yang aku rasa sekarang.

Pernah rasa rimas dengan orang sekeliling?
Pernah rasa cemas bila orang pandang kau?
Pernah rasa lemas dengan orang ramai?

Semestinya pernah. Kalau tak pernah, kau bukan manusia.

Gambar langsung takda kena mengena. Ahaks.

Okay back to the story.

I bet semua orang pernah menangis time nak tidur.
Time nak tidur tu lah sebenarnya kita banyak berfikir. Terlalu banyak berfikir. Overthinking.

Nak tahu tak?
Orang yang kuat tu lah sebenarnya lemah. Muka biasa, hati? Luar biasa.
Orang tu lah yang tahan segalanya, pendam semuanya. Pedih.

Senang nak cakap ayat "stay strong, harap bersabar, move on." Tapi susah nak praktikkan ayat tu.
It hurts actually. Aku taknak dengar ayat "be strong" sebab aku memang dah lama pretend to be strong.

Mungkin nampak kuat, tapi sebenarnya lemah.
Kadang kadang kita ego sangat nak tunjuk bahawa kita lemah.
Kadang kadang kita ego sangat nak mintak maaf.
Kadang kadang kita ego sangat nak maafkan orang.

Aku manusia yang lemah.

Tolong lah faham.

15 Dec 2011

About Tengku Sophia.

Who's Tengku Sophia?
 Dia minah yang tweet benda buruk pasal agama. 

Pada mulanya, aku tengok jugak profile dia ni. Makin hari, makin ramai followers dia. 
Eh insult agama pun dapat followers? Amboi. Twitfamous betul. Nakal.

She's just an attention seeker lah. Boleh nampak. Betul betul fake. 
Korang tahu tak lagi korang layan dia, lagi dia suka?

So this thing berlarutan sampai dia delete Twitter dia. 
Lepas dia delete Twitter.. 
Tiba tiba muncul pulak 2-3 account Twitter yang mengaku dia TengkuSophia.

Kononnya account dia kena hack dengan niat nak jatuhkan maruah.
Amboi cerita hindustan betul. 

Aku bukak profile dia, tekan twitcon dia. Ada link ID Facebook. So aku track lah.
TARAAAA! Jumpa lah Facebook Marsha Dv.

And I found this: 


Kesemua account yang mengaku diri dia Tengku Sophia tu fake ye.
Jangan tertipu.
Lain kali investigate dulu sebelum serang haha.

Masalahnya sekarang, kita tahu that Tengku Sophia guna gambar orang lain.. 
Tapi siapa orang yang buat account Tengku Sophia ni?

Aku sendiri tak tahu. Misteri gila.

Aku dah pecahkan rahsia disebalik gambar Tengku Sophia ni :) 
So tak payah lah layan orang yang mengaku diri dia TengkuSophia yang sebenar.
Terbukti fake.

Yang benar,   
Alia Mustapha or @AliaMustaphaa lol.


25 Sept 2011

Kadang kadang.

"Kadang kadang manusia suka bertanya, tapi sekadar menanya"

Faham ayat diatas? Oh tidak? Ok ok saya terangkan

Manusia selalu bertanya apa masalah kita, tapi sekadar untuk ambil tahu. 

Bukan setakat itu sahaja, sesetengah daripada mereka juga akan menyebarkan cerita tersebut.

Dah tanya, cuba lah nasihat. Dah tanya, cuba lah tolong. Dah tanya, tolonglah senyap.
Ini tidak, kau sebarkan cerita/masalah someone tu kat others. Hello.. Teruk ah dia ni.

You never care about them. Kau nak ambil tahu pasal cerita tersebut je. That's it.
Lain kali jangan tanya. Macam bodoh tanya tapi tak menolong. 
Kasihani lah orang yang menceritakan cerita tersebut.

Pergh gila baku bahasa aku. BM tak A jugak.

Ini pisau untuk bunuh kau.

28 Aug 2011

Life changed, drastically.

Yes, I am still alive!

Few weeks left before the examination. I'm scared.
Muka biasa, hati cuak. Benda biasa. 
I left blogger for a very very long time. 
I miss my blog. I miss typing a post. I miss publishing a post. Oh god. 

My life? Totally changed! Since I got Twitter.. I left you, blogger. Lol sorry. 
This is my blog, I'll post whatever I want, whenever I want and anytime I want to.

For a few months, I realize that nothing last forever in this world. Including your best friend.
What is left is just some memories. People changed. Feelings changed. Including me.

Nothing last forever. Our best friend "forever" pun will leave us one day. 
Amboi kemain gambar sendiri. Kehkeh.

People come and people go, replaceable. 
Yang mana yang kita ada, appreciate.
Yang mana yang pergi daripada kita, godai.

Life must goes on, bruh.

19 Jun 2011

Dear Ayah-ayah-ayah-yayayah, happy father's day!

Ayah :)

Thank you for everything
Thank you for protecting me
Thank you for showing me that you are the best guy ever.
I'm sorry for all the wrong things that I've done
I'm sorry for disobeying your order
I'm sorry for not being able to meet your expectations of me
I'm sorry for being naughty. Hehe. 

I may be rude, disrespectful and immature towards you.
Sometimes, I raise my voice. Sebab Ayah tak dengar lah :/
"Ayah, nak bantal"
"Lia nak bantal busuk~"
"Whaaat? Ayah tak dengar lah"
"Ish Alia ni selalu macam ni"
"Dah Ayah tak dengar, memang lerww"
*Ayah jeling*


1. My dad is always there for me.

Haha yeap. Dimana-mana sahaja. Haritu pergi seminar, Ayah ikut sekali lol. Dah besar panjang but Ayah still melekat di sisi saya.

2. When I want something, he'll try to get it.

Kalau tak dapat something from Maa, I'll try to get it from Ayah. Confirm dapat! >:D

3. My dad always make me some Milo drinks.

The best Milo I must say. Kalah mamak! And kalah Maa!
Maa selalu buat Milo dalam diam-diam detak susu Anlene Gold (susu utk oldies).
Tak best. Jahat you know.
But my dad.. Milo Ais Choww punya. Ais banyak gila. The best.

4. Ayah love gadgets. 

Bapa borek, anak rintik. Ayah and me je yang suka gadgets.

5. Movie freaks.

Haha yeah, ayah suka gila download from torrent. Perangai ni diturunkan kepada Alia sahaja. Sara & Zura not-so-computer-freaks.

6. Suka tidur.

Haa memang anak dia ikut.

7. Pelupa.

Time UPSR, dia boleh tanya "asal pergi sekolah? Penting sgt ke? Ada exam?"
Lol. But biasa ah lettew. Anak dia ikut sekali perangai ni. Genetik gila kuat.

8. Pentingkan family.

Pernah 1 minggu ni, Maa masuk hospital. Ayah ponteng kerja & tidur dengan Maa dekat Gleneagle Hospital. But he still take care of his daughters very well.

9. Sensitif.

Haha yeah begitu lah ~

10. Jarang menangis. 

Ala-ala novel  PAPA...(Akhirnya Kau Tewas Jua!) gitu.

My dad rocks!
Perangai Lia 90% ikut Ayah :')

Masa dulu Ayah pernah koma 2 bulan, time tu Lia darjah 2. 
Satu malam tu, hospital call Maa. Malam buta Maa minta tolong CikMan hantar pergi hospital.
I was young. But can't sleep. Malam tu Ayah hampir-hampir nak meninggalkan dunia ni. 
Doctor dah pam jantung ayah. 

"/\/\/\/\/----------" < Mesin nadi. Alah lebih kurang lah.

But dengan kuasa Allah, lepas doktor pam jantung Ayah banyak kali, Ayah hidup balik. 
I almost lost him. 

I appreciate you, Ayah. Syukur Ayah masih hidup.
He's my Superman. He's my Superdad. <3

Ayah :"Lia sayang Ayah tak?"
Lia: "Sayang, berlambak macam nii *luaskan tangan*"

Ayah, I still remember this. Buat-buat lupa je. Sebab sekarang Lia dah reti malu~

Sorry lah, grammar berterabur. Malas nak betulkan.

11 Mar 2011

Say hey!

'I'm skipping school and tuition class today  =)

Such a relaxing day ♥ 

Okay I should stop making colourful fonts. 
Damn I'm kinda love colourful fonts. 
Kinda addicted to this thing.

So hey guys, I'm kinda busy right now.
With school, tuition, co-curriculum ETC. 
Right now, I'm getting used to this but sometimes,

I feel like I want my old life back and my old friends back. 

But the fact is, people change. 
Change hurts. It makes me feel insecure, sad, confuse and angry.
I want things to be the same.
But what is life without change right? There's lesson in everything.
Life is changing all the time. So deal with it.

I wish I have a time machine, 
so that I change my mistakes,
I wanna change my past decisions too cause before this, I never knew that the smallest decisions can change my life forever.

I'm now let the new ones in. But it doesn't mean that I'll let go the old ones.
And you know what? Now I know who's my real friends are. 

“We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.”

I will learn to let go what I cannot change,
I will learn to forgive what I cannot change,
I will learn to love what I cannot change,
But I will change, I will change,
Whatever I, whenever I can. - LeAnn Rimes's lyric.

8 Jan 2011

The feeling when you moved to a new school.

I reached my maximum happiness in my old school, 
I went home, I was told that I'll move to a new school. 

I went through the trouble of saying goodbye to my friends,
as much as it may hurt as I'm leaving with no choice to stay. 

After saying goodbye to my friends, 
it’s now time to go to new school.

I arrived to that school. Pretty shy and I don’t know anyone. 
As the day goes on, I started to make a few friends. 

I'm TOTALLY opposite as in my other school. 
I'm pretty much stuck with my new friends,

Leave everything that is familiar and try to fit in a new environment ain't easy you know?

New school, new teachers, new friends and new worries. 

New enemy? Hihi NO. Not yet. :)

I'm stressed. My class consists of the clever kids.
Guess who is the stupid kid in the class?

Yeah this bitch right here :3

A prefect girl who sat next to me is hell a clever kid. 7A's

I wanna change the class. But my classmates didn't let me. Cool eh?

Later, I'll take some photos of the new 'environment' and post it here. 

My first day?
I'm not nervous nor excited.
I'm calm and nice. BUT, 

I'm sick of being friendly. Not-so-me. 
But still, I got some new friends. They are too nice for me. 

I miss my old school.
I miss my friends. 

I miss everything! 
Now I know that my old school rules. 

And I know that someday,
They will forget about me.
But I just wanna let you know that,
I'll never forget them.