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17 Jun 2019

Alia, 25th.

Sejujurnya aku rasa bulan ni aku barai gila.
Aku breakdown haritu. 
Aku breakdown teruk that I have to take anti-depressant pills.
But also bila breakdown haritu aku tahu siapa yang ada dan siapa yang takda dengan aku.

Apparently the one aku harapkan takda pun dengan aku. Lol. 
So cam whatever selamat hari raya!!!!

Wishes from closest friends, came in.
I really appreciate the pure words that came from people I know.
It actually made me feel better. 
Pastu rasa terharu gila bila kenalan wish juga.

1 pagi, akak aku seru seru:

Dan esoknya kat office, my lunch buddies surprised me with a whole cake. And also Mcd: 
"jangan sedih sedih kena tinggal" T.T

I received more wishes..from my director as well. Hehe.

And when I got back home, I went to eat Sushi King with my family. 
Then AB came by, she gave me another slice of cake. 


Also, it's another journey for me again!!!!
I'm not sure I can do this time but I won't give up.

7 Jun 2019

Before 30s.

Here are points that I found through the net related with what we gotta do in 20s.

I think it's not necessary for us to follow these bulat-bulat.
Cukup sekadar guideline bilamana kau bodoh sangat. Haha.

Related with own self:
Finish your education.
Get a job.
Start savings. Don’t rack up debt. Start saving money ASAP.
Learn to accept and love yourself first. Know you're enough. Love yourself. Don't give up.
Learn to say no and with confidence.
Accept your limitations. Turn your weaknesses into strengths. Embrace failure.
Things don't work out for a reason. Forgive yourself.
Don’t compare yourself to others.
Take risks. Don’t be afraid to change directions. Change all the jobs you want.
Dreams require sacrifice. Live your dream. Be an innovator, evangelist, a disrupt-or, an atom bomb wherever you go.
Start small but steady. Aim for the stars, land on the moon.
Health is the priority. Take care of your body. Start taking good care of yourself now.
You're going to feel lost.
Time is your most precious resource. Everything takes time.
The older you get, the faster life goes by.
Invest in experiences, not things.
Don't make excuses, do apologize instead for your mistakes.
Don’t burn your bridges. Don’t rush to cram stuff into your twenties because you think you should.
Try to avoid thinking of your 30s as some kind of stopping point for fun things.
Buy a house.
Get married.

Related with habits:
Read everyday. Write every other day.
Stop all your bad habits.
Less video games, more reading.
Visit at least one foreign country.
Spend less time staring at a screen.

Related with surroundings:
Stop caring what people think.
Remove toxic people, toxic thoughts and toxic beliefs.
Do not spend one more minute of your life with someone who makes you feel like you are less than you are.
Learn to negotiate with politeness.
Spend more time with people.
Find a 3AM friend.
Be close to people who really like you.
Talk to your parents everyday.
Start giving and earning.
Build upon friendships.
Make and maintain friends for life.
Network like crazy.
Stop running behind girls/boys.
You and your friends will change.
Eliminate negative people.