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31 Jul 2018

Pada suatu pagi yang..

Pada suatu pagi yang indah sewaktu aku nak pergi kerja..

Aku tekan button remote kereta aku, tak bernyala. Ah sudah. Tak tutup lampu ke sia semalam?
Pastu macam ah sudah..macam kena curi bateri kereta lagi je ni.

Pastu bila check..eh, battery masih ada.
Pastu bila check dalam..eh. Tak unlock pintu?

Ghahaha, rupa rupanya kereta kena rompak.
Pening kepala aih apa nak buat time tu.

Anyway, thanks Bel-Fi sebab sudi tolong bawak ke balai.
And thanks family sebab sudi settle-kan kereta while aku ke balai.
Thanks juga semua yang kisah.

Dan harini..harini aku rasa happy.
Aku nak cakap yang setiap kehilangan, pasti ada gantinya.
Dan aku harap kau juga sebegitu. Ceh.

I was actually sad cause the sunglasses that my mom bought for me for only a week, kena curik.
But today..dia bagi kita sunglasses yang sama. 

I love it, I love today and I love you.

4 Jul 2018

Aponi. Bangun.

Makin besar ni makin serius.
Dan serius, serius ni membosankan.

Sejujurnya aku bukanlah orang yang serious, serious.
Tapi serious, apa benda aku tulis ni setan?

Anyway, aku penat mental sangat harini sampai tahap aku balik rumah, aku baca buku. 
Rasa macam setahun sekali aku baca buku.

Title buku ni, nama dia "Change Your Life; 10 Steps to Get What You Want"

Faham tak level murung dia cemana? Sambil sambil tu aku bukak playlist piano on Spotify.
Haha. Apa apa je lah, eh. 
So yang ni yang aku dapat from baca buku ni..aku luahkan ikut apa aku dapat eh?
Little steps are still steps.
Steps bring you to consistency and consistency leads you to achievement.
Don't be afraid, be realistic, believe in yourself and be prepared.
Think big but get there small by enjoying every step you take.
And congratulate yourself for bringing changes into life.
Think of yourself but don't be selfish. This is for you to make your own decisions wisely.
Be yourself, the little thoughts are important and don't wait for anyone to lead.
Don't ever blame others because blaming is for people who make excuses.
Kita sendiri are responsible for our own life so make sure it's good.
Role models dalam hidup adalah penting. To understand, to listen and watch from them..we will for sure learn something from them. This is for us to gain knowledge because there will always be things to improvise.
Learn the basics, be patient and take your time. Always be humble.
To have lives direction there will be goals to set hence, plans to think.
Stop wishing but plan and implement things instead. Jangan tunggu. Tapi kejar.
It's a good thing to take a risk but without being reckless.
Mistakes. No one is perfect and life isn't perfect either.
So accept and learn from it. Learn from it by analyzing it.
With acceptance and with no excuses, do something about it.
Take it simple and don't ever over-complicate stuff.

Okay. Tu je.