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About me

17 Jun 2012


It makes us happy.

But some people crave for it, too much. 
It makes you forget about others.
There's a thing that is valuable than money,  it’s called love.
You forget about your family and friends because of it. 

Money still can't buy love.

16 Jun 2012


Aku bangun daripada tidur.
Aku bukak mata. Aku menggeliat. Eh malas betul nak bangun.
Aku ambil masa untuk bangun.. Ah, malas.

*geguling atas katil 360 darjah sambil check phone* 

Lalu hati pun bermonolog:

Hm dah agak, tiada siapa text melainkan Maxis.
Hm dah agak, tiada siapa call. 
Hm dah agak, tiada siapa ingat aku. *sadis*

Hm rindunya zaman texting. Asyik whatsapp je, muak tahu?
Twitter makin bosan. Kawan makin hilang. Aku makin menghilang.

Takda motif sebenarnya post benda ni. Aku bosan.
Hidup aku kosong. Bak kata Najwa Latiff, kosong kosong~

Perut aku pun kosong kosong~
Mood aku pun kosong kosong~

Shit, bosan sangat sampai boleh layan Simsimi.

Kosong kosong ohh~

..tah pape kbye.

12 Jun 2012


Life is like a roller coaster, it's full of ups and downs. Enjoy it. 
Life is like an expired carton of milk, you don't really know if it is bad unless you taste it.
Life is like an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time; And sometimes you weep.
Life is like a hot bath. It feels good while you're in it, but the longer you stay in, the more wrinkled you get. 
Life is like riding a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you plan to stop peddling
Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.  

To me, life is more than that.
Life is full of craziness, life is full of randomness.
Sometimes life's fun, sometimes life's sad.
If you're sad, stay strong. Smile.
If you're happy, make people happy too. Spread the love.

I love random post. I really do.

Haha it's my freaking birthday today.
Thank you, Allah for this.
18 years of living, I'm very grateful.

Zaman kanak kanak
Zaman sekolah
Zaman college ☐
Zaman bekerja ☐

Haha macam macam zaman kena tempuhi, masih muda lagi lah der.

4 Jun 2012


"Zaman berkenalan, zaman berkawan, zaman kegemilangan berkawan, zaman kejatuhan berkawan."

Rasa sedih. Rasa rindu. Rasa kehilangan.

Makin lama, makin berjauhan, makin kurang masa.
Makin lama, makin berjauhan, makin kurang rindu.
Makin lama, makin menghilang. 

Akan muncul satu masa bila dah berjauhan, nak rapat balik tapi rasa tak serasi.

I'll certainly miss you, dear friends. I really do.

Eh rukuk ke?