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30 Mar 2012

You know?

Gambar langsung takda kena mengena. Pui.

You know that feeling when everyone is againts your decision?
You know that feeling when everyone is againts your interest?
You know that feeling when people don't respect your choice?

Haa itu yang aku rasa sekarang.

Bila semua orang tak terima keputusan kau.. 
Kemungkinan keputusan yang kau buat tu paling betul, ataupun paling salah.

So tell me, aku betul ke aku salah?
Eh kentut lah.

Benda ni boleh buat kau lagi lemah ataupun lagi kuat, depends macam mana kau uruskan hal ni.
Aku tak tahu aku makin lemah or makin kuat. Atau makin angkuh.

Aku rasa macam nak.....makan. Lapar lah. Kbai.

1 comment.:

Anonymous said...

You know that feeling when everyone is againts your decision?


You know that feeling when everyone is againts your interest?


You know that feeling when people don't respect your choice?


thats just life i guess.

balls to them and just live life the way you want it to be.

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