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About me

14 May 2017

Common sense?

Pandai pinjam, pandai pulang.
Pandai ambil, pandai beri balik.

Walaupun 10A, walaupun 4 flat; 
kalau dah camni perangai; kau tetap nampak bodoh dimata aku.

Simple, as, that.

13 May 2017

Life can be disappointing?

When you prioritize the wrong people,
When you ignore the right people,
When the one you focus on, focus on other people,
When the one you want, doesn't want you to be there. 

Maybe life isn't disappointing.. 
Maybe its just you and your choice.

8 May 2017


Call me in the middle of the night, I'll answer.
Text me in the middle of the night, I'll reply.